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  CFD calculation of flat and stepped cambered windsurf board

As a continuation of  part  1 with estimations of Lift and Efficiency of planing board with wedge cambered step and usual flat bottom    in the  second stage  below nonsymmetrical movement with drift   is considered , fin is added

Non  Symmetrical case needs more cell in  mesh and  Cpu time.
The same  velocity V=10 m/s( 36 kmh) and absolutely flat surface ( calm water)  is considered first  as an example . Desired Lift range  is 1069-1079N , center of pressure in X direction is to be at 0.66-0.68cm from tail .The same board as in the part  1 ,  but  the fin  is added ( 42 cm   symmetrical 9% profile Naca009 area 355cm2)   nonzero drift angle  to compensate side force around 370 N .Such  side force value is taken for example  from   Drake's physics of windsurfing  2005 paper.

Variant without step usual bottom

 . Trim angle( considered  between flat rear part of the board and X axis)  is choosen  3.2 degrees  to represent  efficient range  for such Aspect ratio wetted form  of flat planing hulls ,
All the settings of mesh  , physics models, and especially  tuning of the solvers are  omitted here as it is very specialized area to achieve good convergence and   reliable results for validation  .And  often it  looks like  as a successful "recipe" of CFD setup .( Hric, VOF solver  , internal, vof dynamic sub steps, time step for Courant number, Y+, AMR  .. etc) .

The mesh is around 2.51 million cells with  refinements  at zones of incoming free surface and  around the fin  

Below is the free surface  scene of cfd solvers  with some data Lift (Fy)  ,  shoulders of resultant force  in XY plane   L Mz 66.2 cm ,  in XZ plane L My -0.18cm  . In this case Drift angle 2.9 deg    is needed to achieve 369 N Force Z    Some oscillations ( +/-1 %) were observed in values of Y forces and fraction of water on the bottom   after some time of solution  which can be attributed  to  forward spray foundation and   water surface disturbance by  drops in front of stagnation line . The edficiency of the fin is rather high =13.8 , the efficiency of the board 8.96
The total Fy/Fx efficiency of board +fin  = 7.3 .   Total Drag Fx fin+ Fx board 145.6 H

In the combined picture below     Cp ( pressure coefficient)  plot in parallel XY sections along the bottom( X=0..-2.3m)  is presented , And appropriate 3D Cp distribution   on the  bottom is added  in the left side .The difference of pressure distribution compared with part1 symmetrical planning without fin and wothout drift  is the area  of pressure disturbance around place of fin fitting -0.1..-0.21
m from tail , which is caused by  fin work as a wing ( higher pressure on windward and lower pressure on  leeward sides  which is seen on the board bottom )

The picture below shows that all surface from tail is wetted  and has friction approximately till  mean value X=-76 cm of stagnation line  area  while the main contribution to Lift force makes  the region  where water meets the board  around   stagnation line .

So it would be interesting  not to have wetted this back area which makes very small contribution to Lift and at same time has friction drag.  It is known that  higher   Aspect ratio AR    of wetted surface can reduce this effect ( for example tail  cut-outs rises AR ) .For this purpose  we 'll try to modify the origin bottom to stepped hull.

Modified   variant with step and camber

  The same modificaction as in part 1 only small step( pink) as stuck cambered wedge is added to the same board , used above .It can be noticed that there is rather easy way to make such small modification with use of polyester putty (only 240-340g additional weight).   Step   position, height  ,  camber% and  length   is specially chosen    from previous years estimations ,  obtained from  2D linearised  free surface  solutions of planing thin profile ,2D and 3D  VLM wing analogy linearised methods and Epstein L.A  works  . The step must  be suitable to achieve good ventilation of after body and at the same time solution must result in   roughly given  Lift and position of  center of pressure from tail.  The chosen step height  is much  less than usually recommended 5% of width here  for  classical rectangular step.  Dynaplane E. Clement project and experiments  with 1% cambered step showed  that due to camber it may have  much smaller %height/width   to achieve sufficient ventilation of aft body.

 Almost the same mesh  with added super refinement  in step area and around fin   is used for simulation with 3.42 million  cells

Speed  of the board is the same  V=10 m/s Trim  angle is 1.5 degree to be most efficient for such cambered profile  ,sinkage of lower edge of step - 0.52  cm ( 1.2 cm of stern).

Below is the free surface  scene of cfd solvers  with some data , the stern sinkage is 1.2 cm , lowest stern edge of boards stays 2cm higher in vertical  Y position compared to  no step case above.This set produces  by simulation almost the same Lift  Force (1071N)    and almost the same center of pressure ( X = 67.2 cm from tail  ) at given speed  . To achive the same Force Z 371 N needs 4 degrees of drift . It can be notice that efiiciency of the fin is less than in the case of a borad  without step. It can be explained  by presence of free surface around fin fitting  and less effective work of  upper sections of the fin here.
Total Drag  (Fx fin+ Fx board)   107.8  H

In the combined picture below     Cp ( pressure coefficient)  the plot in parrallel XY sections along the bottom( X=0..-2.3m)  is presented  in red dots., And appropriate  Cp distribution   on the  bottom  with XY sections is added  in the left side .

The simulation gives that due to camber   Pressure  diagram is more filled along wetted surface ,
In spite of not too high step the after body part ( X= -0.49.. 0) is well ventilated with  almost no water friction here.The skin friction
coefficient distribution is shown in picture below:

  The wetted surface  is much smaller than of flat bottom in previous no step case .  Trim angle is small - 1.5 degrees which is due to additional lift by concave  profile in wetted area from stagnation line  to step  , As a result total efficiency K ( Lift/Drag) of  board +Fin  is  =   9.9

Max width of wetted surface B  ( X= -0.49 ....  -0.79)  is   around 0.62m( slightly less) . Sinkage of lower trailing edge of the step is only  5.2mm. The main purpose of concave  is to use much smaller wetted surface at not high trim angle to produce almost the same Lift   with Center of Loads  to be located not far from  that of flat bottom of no step  case value. It can be added that  concave of wetted profile in XY plane  may be achieved by more simple straight  line triangle wedge of definite height and  length  to form the necessary step .

Although it is not  deep CFD investigation   .Meshes used are not super fine, simulation is in ideak calm water , only one velocity 10 m/s  and the question of stability is not considered here .
But   it can be noticed that it is possible to achieve in calm water  higher efficiency Lift/Drag including  fin  =  9.9  with the special  step with concave camber  compared to value 7.3 without it.
Additional lift is produced by longitudial  concavity  of wetted surface  and as a result   less  wetted area is sufficient to achieve the same Lift    at  less trim angle   with almost the same wetted width . As a result 1)  aspect ratio of wetted surface  is higher , 2) trim angel is less ,  which together   results is   less full Drag. But at the same time the efficiency of fin drops slightly because of presence of free surface at fitting region .

In the picture below is the view of  manualy added Concave Wedge ( parabolic) in RRD Spitfire 149l 235cm*73cm board , adjacent to forebody  , located in the bottom  area  between forward and rear footstraps:

... coming soon
4. It is known that in  displacement mode of motion of the board  rectangular bottom step  increases drag and partly decrease Lift because of vorticity zone after step location , So the CFD will be  used to estimate same hull without step and with such small step  at small velocity V=3m/s
... coming soon


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