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журн Boards переводы

Технич. Статьи 


Coming Soon 

Some results regarding comparison of  usual  flat  bottom hull and concave stepped hull can be driven form theory Sedov L.I  , VLM methods and CFD simulation  .

1.Below is a simple cfd simulation  of test common flat hull( No V, flat rocker till 70cm from tail )  in stationary movement without side drift( symmetry case) , and absolutely flat water :))  ( no chop)
trim angle= 3degrees, мудщсшен V=10 m/s,  max width of wetted surface = 62 cm , estimated Efficiency  Fy/Fx =10.25 

Mesh in virtual towing tank  uses trim cells mesher with special  remesh around body and free surface 

below is the free surface  scene after 2420 itterartions of cfd solvers 

Cp ( pressure coefficient distribution )

2. Second case :  only step is added ( pink)   compared with the 1) flat case
 specially choosen step with camber (concave)

 almost the same mesh  in Virtual towing tank trimed cells

Intersesting to compare the efficiency of the slightly changed by cambered step board  at the same speed  V=10 m/s  to be the same lift  Fy   and almost the same center of pressure  . Trim  angle is 1.5 degree
Cp pressure distribution on the bottom with special cambered step  :

with higher efficiency 13.5   ( trim angle 1.5 degree ),
more information is to be added  soon

But now  it can be noticed that it is possible to achieve higher efficiency Fy/Fx    13.5 compared to 10.25 ( less drag  with the same Lift ) in the case of special height step with camber .
Due to camber addditional lift is produced and  it is  less  wetted area needed  and less trim angle  to achive the same Lift  with the same width .
As a result 1)  aspect ratio or wetted surface  is higher .

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